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Scholars at the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy produce research that is grounded in evidence and solution-oriented.

Research Spotlights

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First Jain Family Institute (JFI)-Brooks Fellowships: Regulatory schemes governing artificial intelligence in order to develop a new theoretical roadmap for U.S. policymakers (Sarah Kreps and Adi Rao). Impact of the welfare-to-work policies (Pauline Leung, Zhuan Pei, and Lexin Cai)

Row of wooden figures, five white, one brown.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF): Developing rapidly responsive community-engaged research on media-messaging and narrative-change strategies to promote health and racial equity (Jeff Niederdeppe and colleagues)


Brooks School Working Groups

The Brooks School has an open call to support faculty with small grants broadly aimed at building stronger research connections within our areas of policy expertise. Our first five awards will support Education Policy and Big Data, Health Policy, Junior Faculty, Migration Policy, and Tech Policy Working Groups.

The Education Policy and Big Data Interdisciplinary Working Group focuses on major empirical questions in K12 and Higher Education policy, providing a meeting space to learn about education-related research on campus, discuss data and methods for education policy analysis, and identify policy issues of highest priority for future research.

The Health Policy Working Group hosts seminars in health policy with internal and external experts in the field, and it provides training opportunities for graduate students, including a series of professional development activities and a program for visiting PhD students in health policy.

The Junior Faculty Working Group creates a space for junior faculty to share feedback on work in progress and discuss ideas and topics of common interest. Monthly meetings are devoted to a mix of research and professional development, and some include senior colleagues invited to share their experiences with the research process.

The MigLab is an interdisciplinary working group for researchers, including students, postdocs, visiting scholars, and faculty, who are interested in the social scientific study of migration.

The Tech Policy Working Group brings in tech policy speakers from across campus and from around the Northeast to discuss interdisciplinary issues around emerging technology, providing a center of gravity on campus for addressing policy-related tech issues.

Research Support

The Brooks School is strongly positioned in its resources, scope, and focus to be a leader in policy research. Our research infrastructure aims to foster cutting-edge research in public policy, support policy scholars from diverse demographic and disciplinary backgrounds, nurture synergies across policy faculty and research areas, and grow collective resources for faculty and graduate students.


Brooks School Research Support: JFI-Brooks Fellowship Program

With the support and collaboration of the Jain Family Institute, we launched the JFI-Brooks Fellowship Program in 2022 to advance research and public engagement on policy questions related to climate change, education, social policy, and digital ethics. Our inaugural award recipients research teams are: Sarah Kreps and Adi Rao, and Pauline Leung, Zhuan Pei, and Lexin Cai.

Learn about their research here

Research on X (Twitter)

☀️ Happy Summer Solstice, Brooks Students! ☀️

“There is no doubt that generative AI is upending journalism, content creation, and search,” says Professor Sarah Kreps @sekreps, director of Cornell Brooks School Tech Policy Institute @CornellTPI, in an @AP article about AI startup Perplexity.

Alexandra Dufresne, professor of practice at the Brooks School, writes this @insidehighered piece on student protests and why universities should keep immigration consequences in mind.

Dufresne is a lawyer who works at the intersection of law and public policy. 

She directs the State Policy Advocacy Clinic at the Brooks School of Public Policy and teaches international human rights, immigration law and policy, and children’s rights.

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